CAT/ ES / EN / FR / DE
Accessibility systems for public transport
pneumatic and electric doors, access ramps and platforms. PSD Doors

Privacy policy


Data Controller
The company liable for the processing of your data in virtue of this Privacy Policy is:

Taxpayer’s ID: A08207904
Registered address: C/ Mestre Alapont, (P.I. Salelles) 08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola (Barcelona)
Email address:
Telephone: 938352900
Registered with the Trade Register of Barcelona, in Volume 34,908, folio 117, page number B-61,002.

At MASATS, S.A., we recognize the importance of protecting your personal information and are committed to processing it responsibly and in accordance with data protection laws.

This privacy policy aims to regulate all aspects related to the processing of the data of the various users who browse or provide their personal data via the various forms on the website.

Personal Data
Personal data is information that identifies you or makes you identifiable. We collect the personal data the user communicates to us through the web in the boxes set up for such purpose: First name, last names, email address, telephone number, mailing address, city, etc., as well as any data voluntarily provided to us through any of the social media platforms at which the user is registered. In such case, privacy depends on the settings adjusted by the user as well as the terms and conditions of the social media platform.

The user’s visit at the website does not require providing any information on their personal data. Nonetheless, if such data are provided, they will be processed legally and subject at all times to the principles and rights established in GDPR 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and Spanish law LOPDGDD 3/2018 of 5 December.

Purpose, Duration and Legal Basis:
The data the user provides will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To process requests or queries by the user through the contact form on the website. We collect and process the user’s personal data to be able to process and manage their requests, consultations or any queries sent through said form. These data are saved for the time necessary to fulfill their request and for the time established by law with a minimum storage period of 3 years.

The legal basis for the data processing is the consent granted by the user upon ticking the box accepting our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without such action affecting the lawfulness of any data processing based on consent provided prior to the withdrawal.

  • To send information and newsletters on MASATS, S.A. products. With the user’s consent, we collect and process their personal data to be able to send them information on our products and services. These data are saved as long as the user does not revoke their consent to the processing thereof and for the time established by law with a minimum storage period of 3 years.

The legal basis for the data processing shall be the consent granted by the user upon ticking the box accepting our privacy policy before subscribing to the newsletter on the form set up for such purpose on the website. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without such action affecting the lawfulness of any data processing based on consent provided prior to the withdrawal.

  • To manage CVs sent by the data subject through the form set up for such purpose and include them in the company’s job candidate database. These data will be saved for a maximum of one year after which time, the data will be blocked for the time legally established all while guaranteeing full confidentiality as concerns the processing thereof as well as any later destruction.

The legal basis for managing and processing the data subject’s CV is their consent stated by taking the affirmative action of sending it and  ticking the box accepting our privacy policy before sending it. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without such action affecting the lawfulness of any data processing based on consent provided prior to the withdrawal.

  • To enhance the web browsing experience. These data are saved as long as the user does not revoke their consent to the processing thereof by eliminating the cookies and for the time established by law with a minimum storage period of 3 years.

The legal basis for enhancing the web browsing experience is the consent granted by the user upon accepting the cookies. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without such action affecting the lawfulness of any data processing based on consent provided prior to the withdrawal.

  • To manage our social media accounts and send users information on our activities and products. These data are saved as long as the user does not revoke their consent to the processing thereof and for the time established by law with a minimum storage period of 3 years.

The legal basis for managing our social media accounts and sending users information on our activities and news is the consent granted to do so. The user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without such action affecting the lawfulness of any data processing based on consent provided prior to the withdrawal.

Personal Data Assignment or Disclosure and International Transfers:
Your data will not be disclosed or assigned to third parties unless there is some type of legal obligation to do so and except for the Data Controller’s service providers acting as processors.

No international transfers will be made.  If they are ever made, such circumstance will be communicated to the user in order to secure their consent.

Data Updates
It is important that we maintain updated personal data and, therefore, the user must always inform us of any change to them; otherwise, we will not be liable for the veracity thereof.

The user hereby guarantees the personal data provided are accurate, guaranteeing that all information provided corresponds to their real situation, is updated and exact.  Users are required to communicate any change.


Third Party Data
If the user provides third-party data for any purpose to MASATS, S.A., the user hereby guarantees they have obtained these data legally, the data subjects have been previously informed and their consent has been obtained to communicate them and that the information provided is true and accurate.

Mandatory Nature of the Information Requested
Mandatory data are marked with an asterisk (*) on all our forms. If the user does not enter information in these fields or does not tick the privacy policy acceptance box, no information may be sent.

Use of Passwords
In order to access the Private Area, the USER must “Login” and include their email address and password generated by the registration form in accordance with the complexity rules established at the website at any given time.

Users are liable for adequate custody and confidentiality of all usernames and/or passwords selected upon registration and undertake not to assign the use thereof to any third party or allow access thereof to third parties.

Likewise, the user is required to immediately notify the Data Controller of any event that may allow improper use of usernames and/or passwords such as theft, loss or unauthorized access to them in order to immediately cancel them.

Data Subject Rights:
Data subjects have the right to access their data and obtain confirmation of the processing thereof as well as a copy of the personal data subject of processing. Data subjects have the right to update and request the rectification of their data when inaccurate or request the deletion thereof when the data are not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Data subjects may request the restriction of processing of their data and object to the processing thereof by revoking their consent as well as exercise their right to data portability. Likewise, data subjects have the right not to be subject of decision based exclusively on the automatic processing of their personal data. Data subjects may exercise their rights by contacting us at C/ Mestre Alapont, (P.I.Salelles), S/N - 08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola (Barcelona). E-mail:

If a data subject believes their rights have not been duly services, they have the right to file a claim with the supervisory authority at

Processing of Minors’ Data
Those who provide data through the forms on this website and agree to the processing thereof hereby declare they are over 14 years old.  Accessing and using the website is prohibited for minors under such age. If at any time the Data Controller detects that a minor under the age of 14 has provided personal data, we will cancel them. Likewise, parents or guardians may always contact MASATS, S.A. to block any account used by minors they are responsible for who have registered with a false identity.

Social Networks
The purpose of tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. or other social media platforms is to disseminate and publicize the activities undertaken by our organization. These tools store personal data on servers used by the respective services and such activity is governed by their own privacy policies. Checking and reading the terms of use and privacy policy implemented by the social media platform upon registering considering the different configuration possibilities in relation to the degree of privacy for a user profile on the platform is recommended.

Moreover, the Data Controller hereby reserves the right to eliminate any information from their social media accounts published by third parties which breaches the law, encourages a breach of the law or includes messages that harm the dignity of people or institutions. It also has the right to block or file a complaint against the author of any such messages.

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on the user’s device when accessing this website. Among other things, cookies enable a website to store and recover information about the user’s browsing habits or their computer and, depending on the information contained and the way in which the cookie is used by the computer, they may be used to recognize the user.

Users may prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding browser option. Further information is available by reading our Cookies Policy.

Date last updated: 25/02/2021