CAT/ ES / EN / FR / DE
Accessibility systems for public transport
pneumatic and electric doors, access ramps and platforms. PSD Doors

EMAS Certificate

As part of our efforts to respect the environment, Masats has developed an Environmental Management System based on standard ISO 14001:2004, in order to:
- Improve our environmental behaviour.
- Meet the demands and/or expectations of all interested parties.
- Reap the benefits effective environmental management offers.
Having a proper environmental management system in place fosters the development of best business practises overall.

In order to guarantee this respect for the environment and continue our environmental improvement, Masats obtained the Environmental Management System Certificate pursuant to standard UNE EN ISO 14001 in 2007, and became certified in accordance with the European Regulation EMAS III in 2011 (Regulation (EC) 1221/2009), publishing the Environmental Statement.

The Environmental Statement is a document through which organisations that implement an Environmental Management System pursuant to the EMAS Regulation disclose environmental information on the organisation to the public and all interested parties concerning:
- The environmental impact caused.
- The company's environmental behaviour.
- The continuous improvement of its environmental behaviour.
We invite you to download our Environmental Statement and the Certificate Emas, in the following links:

Certificate EMAS

EMAS - Environtmental declaration