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Accessibility systems for public transport
pneumatic and electric doors, access ramps and platforms. PSD Doors


In 1953, Salvador Alapont Masats Company was set up in Manresa (Barcelona) and it worked on repairing vehicles in general.

The maternal family of Salvador has been working on passenger transport since 1920.

It was in a garage in Manresa where the manufacturing of pneumatic cylinders, valves and equipment for the increasing industry of general coachbuilder began.

In 1967, S.A. Masats was established. At first, it was only a passenger transport company, since the equipment was manufactured in the company Salvador Alapont Masats, under the brand Alapont®.

In 1974, it was built the first building of 1,000 m² in San Salvador de Guardiola and, after successive increases, it has reached the current 14,626 m².

In 1979 the activities of transport and equipments manufacturing were unified in the S.A. Masats society.

In 1986, Masats was a pioneer company in the development and manufacture of tire porters. This provides us a wide experience and reliability in this field. In 1988, an agreement was reached with the German company Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co. The company entered as shareholders of S.A. Masats which was still working in the manufacture of electrical equipment and tires. It was then when it was created a new company with share capital, called Bode Masats SA. Its main commitment was the creation of aluminum doors for both bus and train sector.

In 1995, a new line of electrical equipment was developed; it was designed specifically for operation of doors. It was a good step forward in technology taking into account the systems used until then that time.

From 1996 forward Masats obtains ISO 9001 certification by the TÜV Product Service GmbH. In 1999 began the manufacture of automatic ramps to access urban vehicles PMR with their own design. Thus, Masats became a provider of complete systems to access into vehicles.
In 2001 all administrative and technical departments were unified into a new office building, which helps to achieve better coordination and more efficiency.
In 2002 Irizar S. Coop joined as the main shareholder in Masats. This provoked an opening of international commercials channels thanks to the innovative methodology which was based in team work.
On September 2003 the two societies S.A. Masats and Bode Masats were joined together in Masats S.A., placing it as the second European manufacturer of doors system.
The same year, Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co disassociated as shareholder of Masats.
In 2004 the range of products of accessibility was increased with a new elevator platform for buses. 
Also in 2004, Masats incorporated the sliding side electrical door, with a compact design and speed movements. 
Since 2007 Masats gets the ISO 140001 certification through TÜV Product Service GmbH.
In 2008, after some occasional collaboration in the railway field, Masats made the strategic decision to develop a range of specific products for this field.
Masats LLC in the United States was created in 2013. A production subsidiary in the state of Georgia designed to meet the needs of US customers.
Currently, Masats exports 47% of its production to more than 30 countries. Nowadays, its team is made up of 300 employees.