CAT/ ES / EN / FR / DE
Accessibility systems for public transport
pneumatic and electric doors, access ramps and platforms. PSD Doors


Busworld was a success
Busworld ends today, the most important exhibition in our sector in Europe. It has been a success, for sure! In our stand in Hall 2 we have welcomed a large number of customers. Our ramps and doors attracted considerable interest.  We exhibited new products as the Standard Sprinter door, and other established products, as our Electric Inswinging doors, Electric Sliding door, the...

Lift kv5 - Masats
New KV5 Elevator
Masats is launching a new range of elevators for high-floored vehicles.   It is a hydraulic vertical elevator for coaches.   The elevator is fitted behind the rear axle, with maximum space efficiency. It allows access to people with special needs through a door devoted just for this, providing an additional access to the vehicle.    The operation is...

New Masats website
We are proud to present our new website which we have created so that all our customers and users can quickly access all the information about our company. Seeing the need to project an image in line with our mission, we have sought to offer you a more up-to-date and practical website where you can find more information and a quick answer to your needs. We are also starting a new...