CAT/ ES / EN / FR / DE
Accessibility systems for public transport
pneumatic and electric doors, access ramps and platforms. PSD Doors

Masats iinvolved in the European Project Shift2Rail

Masats is part of the project "Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors” led by EURECAT - Technology Centre of Catalonia, which has secured European funding for the project.


The CARBODIN project "Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors" has been one of the projects selected in the European Shift2Rail call for proposals promoting advanced integrated research and innovative solutions for European railway transport.
Shift2Rail selected seventeen projects for the 2019 call from among all the applications from entities all over Europe and associated countries. Two of these projects will be undertaken by spanish institutions.

The project, which is coordinated by Eurecat, is led by the Composites Department with cross-participation from the areas of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Product Development, Metal Materials, Printed Electronics, Data Science & Big Data Analytics and Consulting.

Besides MASATS, which will offer its experience in doors and accessibility systems, also participating are EURNEX, RailGrup (a cluster of railway companies) and ERCI (European Railway Clusters Initiative), which will support the project to boost the dissemination of the results. The total budget for the project is €3.5 M.
